The Centre Surgery

October Awareness

Quit smoking this Stoptober!!

To take on the challenge and to access more information click on the image below. Alternatively contact the National Smokefree Helpline 0300 123 1044

Breast Cancer Awareness

To support Breast Cancer Awareness month and to find out more information, including signs and symptoms, support and raising funds for research please click on the image below.

Early detection is the best prevention.

World Mental Health Day 2023

On the 10th October 2023 is World Mental Health Day! The World Foundation of Mental Health has set a theme this year. The theme this year is ‘Mental Health is a universal human right’.

Please click on the image below for more information including getting involved and also getting help.

If you are in CRISIS please call 0116 295 3060

World Menopause day

On the 18th October 2023 is World Menopause Day. The theme for this years World Menopause Day is ‘Cardiovascular Disease’

Please click on the image below to gain more awareness and support options available.

Last updated: 2 October 2023